Friday, July 25, 2008

7-25 New Chicken Palace

June 30th - My Goat Herd

May 29 to June 1st - More Visit photos

May 28 to June 1st - Jeff, Di, Cole & Sarah Visit

A Miracle has happened. My brother Jeff, his wife, Di and son, Cole and daughter Sarah come to visit. First time ever. We are thrilled. We make pizza, bread, go to the Biltmore House, Grove Park Inn and Vance's Birthplace. It was one of the best times of my life.

April 30th - Random Baby shots

April 12th - Baby Goats Arrives

About the same time, April 12th, Samba had two adorable kids, Buckey and Dali.

April 14th. . . a long time has passed, much has happened

We have been very busy since the last post in January. We bought 25 chicks, Americaunas, cuckoo marans, columbian wyandottes, blue red-laced wyandottes, red caps, and one mystery chicken and they arrived April 14th.